More efficient use of resources, optimisation of processes, environmental impact monitoring. These are only a few examples of how Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can promote sustainable growth, while reducing the environmental burden for our planet. Digital for Planet – D4P is convinced that it is of vital importance for the future of our society and ultimately of our planet that the growing community of individuals and organisations at work to develop sustainable ICT / digital technologies join forces.
Therefore, the D4P non-profit Association organised a webinar on 20 October 2020 to bring together researchers and innovators, who are interested in participating in the recently opened 1st Horizon 2020 European Green Deal (EGD) Call, providing insights about specific Areas and Topics of relevance to ICT/digital innovation.
D4P Founder and President Dr Monique Calisti hosted the webinar and provided more than 100 participants with an overview of the EGD Call, discussing insights into specific Areas / Topics for which innovative digital technologies and solutions – such as AI, data analytics, satellite communications, etc. – are essential components. The development and adoption of ICT for sustainability is central for instance to the Area 1 “Increasing Climate Ambition: Cross Sectoral Challenges”, in which advanced ICT support systems are expected to provide means to prevent and fight wildfires, but also to speed up the transition towards climate-neutral and socially innovative cities. In Area 4 “Energy and Resource Efficient Buildings” or Area 5 “Sustainable and Smart Mobility” smart meters, smart security and next generation IoT solutions are expected to play a major role to create impacts and benefits.
The second part of the webinar was dedicated to present how the EGD is directly linked to the upcoming Horizon Europe Framework Programme, zooming into the relation to specific Mission Areas and so called Destinations in recent draft releases of the Work Programme 2021-2022 “Cluster 4, Digital, Industry and Space”.
Dr Calisti finally called the audience to action anticipating that D4P is the ideal EGD Partner, offering, amongst others, support services to put together a strong consortium and an excellent proposal answering the EGD Call.
A big “thank you” from D4P to all participants who joined our webinar! If you would like to know more about the content of the webinar, a shortened version of the webinar presentation will be made available soon. Subscribe to our newsletter and you will get further information. The recording of the webinar and the full presentation are available for Digital for Planet members only.
If you would like to join our Association, you can find more information on the membership here. As a Digital for Planet – D4P member you:
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