GREEN ASSIST: the EU expert’s advice to make your investment greener

The European Green Deal is committed to achieving climate neutrality by promoting investment in the green economy. As part of this effort, the deal also emphasises the importance of providing technical assistance to identify high-impact green investment projects. That’s where GREEN ASSIST comes in – a novel initiative designed to provide both financial and technical expertise to green investments across various sectors. With a focus on sustainable development, GREEN ASSIST aims to support a pipeline of green investment projects with significant environmental and economic benefits. In this post, we will take a closer look at what the GREEN ASSIST is and how you can benefit from its services.



GREEN ASSIST is a novel advisory initiative launched by the European Commission to support projects that are bankable or call for public funding. It offers any project promoters who need to make green investments in the fields of natural capital, circular economy, and more on-demand and specialised advisory services. Once your request has been granted, you will have free access to a vast network of European experts who specialise in green investments who can assist you in making more eco-friendly investment decisions. 

This initiative is managed by the European Climate Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), coordinated by DG ENVIRONMENT, and delivered under InvestEU with funding from the LIFE programme. 

How to apply

You can apply to GREEN ASSIST if you are developing a project (of any size and scope) that:

  • aims to help the environment, but is facing technical challenges (for example, an idea to improve energy efficiency);
  • aims to help the environment, but is facing business challenges (for example, review of business models, cashflow analysis and identification of funding sources);
  • has a business case, but is aiming to improve its environmental impact.

Find out more about the provided services and deadlines in the dedicated website.