BDVA Task Force on Sustainable Big Data and AI

About one year ago, Digital for Planet and the BDVA have joined forces to address the complex challenges associated with sustainable Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven transformation of our society and economy.

As a matter of fact, Big Data technologies and AI provide powerful techniques and tools that can be utilized to gather, organize, and analyse large varied data sets: this is at the core of many digital applications and solutions that can help address several sustainable development challenges.

As time is pressing and an increasing number of public and private organisations are at work on digital sustainability aspects, Digital for Planet, in collaboration with the BDVA, aims to gather interest in view of creating a BDVA Task Force dedicated to Sustainable Big Data and AI.

call to action

We are planning an online webinar to gather your interest and potential input, while presenting and the main objectives this Task Force would address, framing the planned efforts within the broader EU Green Deal context and several other European and international initiatives.

Stay tuned on our channels to receive more information soon!

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